
  • 3 Things To Consider Before Buying Land To Build A Custom Home On

    Building a custom home can be very exciting, but before any plans for the actual house are drawn up, it is important to find the perfect lot. Buying land for a custom home can be a large financial investment, so it is important to understand what to look for and what you need to know in order to avoid headaches and unexpected expenses in the future. Use the following tips if you plan to look for land for sale to build your dream home on in the near future:
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  • 4 Ways To Scare Off Potential Home Buyers

    When preparing your home to sell, you will probably get a lot of advice about how to appeal to prospective buyers, but it's also important to know what not to do. There are common mistakes home sellers make all the time that scare away buyers who would otherwise possibly make an offer. By knowing these mistakes, you can avoid them. Here are four ways to scare off potential home buyers:
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  • A Few Modern Ways To Bring People To Your Real Estate Open House

    If you are going to be having an open house for a piece of real estate you are selling, technology has created a few new ways to bring people to it. While street signs are still a good idea, they only bring in people who already know about the open house or those who just happen to be driving by. To reach more people, further away, take advantage of modern technology like the following.
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  • Do You Want to Buy a Home With Project Potential? 3 Things You Can Change on Your Own

    Buying a home for sale is one of the most important decisions in anyone's life, so it is important to have patience. Some people want a home that is ready to move in and does not need any work for a long time. Others are more interested in the properties that are not perfect and need to have things changed or replaced. While you might like the idea of taking on any challenge in a home, it is best to be realistic.
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  • 3 Child-Friendly Features To Look For In A New Home

    One of the most important things to do when looking for a home when you have a family is to look for features that will be child-friendly. Listed below are just a few child-friendly features to consider when you are looking to buy a new house. Vinyl Floors One of the most important features to look for when shopping for a child-friendly home is vinyl floors. The reason for this is that vinyl is one of the easiest flooring materials to repair while also being quite difficult to damage.
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  • Renting An Apartment For The First Time? Three Things To Do

    If you've finally saved up the money to move out of your parents' home and into your own apartment, you might be excited about getting your own place. In your enthusiasm, you might be eager to move into the first apartment you look at. But before signing any lease, it's a smart idea to do these things first. Measure Your Furniture You may not have much extra money to buy new furniture for your apartment, so you might have to bring along the current bed, drawers and other furniture you currently use.
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  • Home Away From Home - Four Questions To Ask Before Buying A Potential Vacation Home

    If you are looking to buy a second home for vacation purposes, this can be an exciting process for your family. It is important to keep in mind some things specific to vacation properties that will keep your investment worthwhile in the long run. Here are four questions you should ask yourself before buying a vacation home. 1. Is the Area Secure Year-Round? Sometimes, homes can be in great locations in the summer, but this might not be the case during other times of the year.
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  • Looking At Homes For Sale? Costly Things That May Not Be Included In The Sale Price

    There are a lot of factors that go into a home price, and deciding if the sale price of a home is worth the investment. If you have looked at several homes with a real estate agent and you're ready to make an offer, there are a few things you want to make sure are included in the sale. Some of these may seem obvious, but strangely enough they aren't and some buyers end up unhappy because they didn't get what they thought they were buying.
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  • Finance Tips To Help You Win A Home Sale Bidding War

    If you want to buy a home in a desirable area, then you may already know that homes are snatched up within a matter of months. This may mean that you need to take part in a bidding war to secure the home you truly want. If you are not prepared for this, then you are likely to lose the bid. Preparing financing is the best way to be prepared. Keep reading to learn about the things that you need to do.
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  • 3 Things To Do Before Listing Your Home For Sale

    If you're like many people, your home is probably one of your biggest assets. So when it comes time to sell, it is natural to want to make the biggest profit possible. But in order to do this, you have to make sure that your home is appealing to potential buyers so you can get offers at or above your asking price. If you're planning to sell your home soon (through professionals such as Joan Schultz Realtor), use the following tips:
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