A Piece Of The Past — A Handy Guide To Shopping For A Historic Home

Posted on: 29 December 2016
Buying a historic home is a dream come true for many homeowners. Whether you love a particular part of history or are just looking for a home with a story and character, a historic house can be something you'll love forever. But, it has its own unique challenges that modern homes don't. So, before you sign on the dotted line, here's a handy guide to finding the right historic home for you.
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Need To Sell Your Home Quickly? 3 Tips That Can Help

Posted on: 29 December 2016
If selling your house wasn't stressful enough as it is, it will become even more stressful when you need to sell your home quickly. Every month that your home is sitting empty and unsold is another month that you are paying taxes, insurance, and interest on your mortgage. These costs can quickly add up, especially when you've already moved into your next home. These tips will help you sell your home faster.
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3 Things Military Members Can Do To Protect Their Rental Properties

Posted on: 22 December 2016
As a military member, moving to different parts of the country, or even around the world, is a way of life. However, when you're the owner of a home that you're renting out, this can add a level of stress and complication to the situation. Relax, there are some things you can do to ease your concerns and better ensure your property is okay no matter where you're stationed.    
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Are You Able To Back Out Of A Real Estate Contract?

Posted on: 16 December 2016
If you are selling a new house, there may be a chance that you have to back out of the contract and cancel the sale. However, you may end up in breach of contract if you just decide to back out without meeting certain conditions or having particular reasons. So, if you do need to back out, what are some reasons or conditions that will let you back out of the contract?
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