2 Reasons To Work With A Real Estate Agent
Posted on: 11 January 2017
One of the most popular methods that many people use to find a home these days is through the use of a real estate website, which can be a bit of a mistake, as the website may not be able to provide you with all of the benefits that working with a real estate agent can. Listed below are two reasons to work with a real estate agent rather than doing your home search entirely over the Internet.
Can Show You More Homes
One of the biggest reasons to utilize a real estate agent instead of a real estate website is that the real estate agent can show you more a home. A major reason for this is that most real estate websites will require a listing agent to not only pay to list a home on the site but also require them to take the time to list the home on the site. In many cases, this leads to there being quite a few homes that are for sale out there that are not actually listed on any real estate websites.
However, the real estate agent will still be able to find those homes for sale for you and take you on a tour of them. Another reason that more houses are going to be available if you go through a real estate agent is that he or she will be able to show you homes that may not meet your exact criteria, but at least come close.
With a real estate website, the only homes that you are going to be shown of the ones that exactly match your criteria. This can mean that you could end up overlooking a really good deal that may not be in the exact neighborhood that you want but may end up offering more square footage or a newer home for the same price or lower than the one in your desired neighborhood.
Can Provide You With Assistance When Looking For A Mortgage
Another reason to utilize a real estate agent looking for a new home is that it can provide you with assistance when looking for a mortgage. Now, most real estate agents not going to be able to help you apply for a mortgage, but the real estate agent can refer you to a number of different mortgage companies and brokers that his or her clients have used in the past and been successful with.
In addition, the real estate agent may also be able to provide you with some insight as to what you can expect from the mortgage process. For example, since the real estate agent will know at least a bit of how much money you actually burn in order to show you houses in your price range, he or she may also be able to give you a fair idea as to how much a mortgage company is likely to approve you for. This is incredibly useful because it means that you will not end up wasting time trying to apply for a mortgage that you may not end up being approved for.
Contact a real estate agent today in order to discuss what he or she can do to help you find the right home for you and your family. A real estate agent can show you more homes than you are likely to find through the use of a real estate website and can provide you with assistance when looking for a mortgage.